Monday, May 16, 2011

alternative investments 2011


Green or sustainable investments are a rapidly growing area of interest among savvy investors, with annual returns of between 15% to 30% its clear to see why.

With a vast choice of products and different asset classes available, newcomers to this highly lucrative sector find themselves often confused.

So, out of sustained demand from the investment community 360 Invest group have published the best, clear and concise research guide to Alternative Investments.

Among other things, our guide explains:

What Alternative Investments are and the different asset classes available
To explain how to safely invest whilst maximising your returns from sectors such as Timber, Agricultural land, Bio fuels and other ethical investments.
How these investments work and how the most profitable returns are actually achieved.
How to use your UK Government Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) to gain 100% tax free income.
5 of the best ethical and sippable investment products

This is a unique opportunity for potential investors to begin understanding the most talked about investment sector since the boom.

Already with institutional and corporate money flooding into this sector, the signs to an emerging market 'gold mine' are obvious to see.

From as little as a £5000 investment clients are enjoying a tax free, GUARANTEED income with underlying capital growth in excess of 398%. Also with tailored exit strategies of 1, 3 and 5 years, there is something for everyone.
Click here for your free guide!

who are 360investgroup


360investgroup market leaders in carbon credits and sipp investments

Having trouble reading this newsletter? Click here to see it in your browser.

What is a Carbon Credit?

The Collins English Dictionary defines a carbon credit as: “a certificate showing that a government or company has paid to have a certain amount of carbon dioxide removed from the environment”

About The Carbon Credit Market:
  • Carbon credits projected growth of 111% between now and 2013
  • Global emission controls look set to tighten further and the price of carbon set to rise again
  • Now is the time to secure your carbon credits before they reach 2012 projected prices of €20 plus
  • The carbon market is currently valued at €125 billion
  • It is projected to rise to €175 billion by 2011 and €3 trillion by 2020
  • Forecast to be worth twice the oil industry within a decade
  • Fully SIPP compliant investment opportunity
  • Lower entry levels of investment compared to property
  • Potential for 30% plus annual returns


UK Government move forwards on a binding Green Deal

360investgroup 16th May 2011

Breaking news...

Cabinet ministers have agreed a far-reaching, legally binding "green deal" that will commit the UK to two decades of drastic cuts in carbon emissions. The package will require sweeping changes to domestic life, transport and business and will place Britain at the forefront of the global battle against climate change.

The deal was hammered out after tense arguments between ministers who had disagreed over whether the ambitious plans to switch to more green energy were affordable. The row had pitted the energy secretary, Chris Huhne, who strongly backed the plans, against the chancellor, George Osborne, and the business secretary, Vince Cable, who were concerned about the cost and potential impact on the more
Source Gaurdian Newspapers

360investgroup - carbon neutral

360investgroup Green Credentials

Public awareness of environmental issues is increasing and it is now reaching the point where those who are not doing their bit for the environment are standing out like a sore thumb.  A recent study by 360investgroup found that consumers are demanding that companies are seen to be changing their ways so that we can be sure that we are not harming the environment when making purchases or using services.

360investgroup is committed to its environmentally policy and to this end has just introduced carbon neutral servers in its head office.

“were reducing our carbon footprint and saving money to boot”

Why not allow your investments to work for you whilst at the same time supporting a global future. Contact 360investgroup and allow us to help you to determine which investments are right for you or your organisation. offset your carbon footprint today.
360 invest group the Uk #1 alternative sipp investment specialist.

who are the 360 invest group

360investgroup Market Snapshot 16th May 2011


Watch this space...........

After a debate that apparently pitched the Prime Minister against the Chancellor, the Government is set to announce plans to drastically cut carbon emissions across the UK

The deal will be announced this week and has been cautiously welcomed by environmentalists.
At the Windmill Windfarm in Swindon there was a surprise on hearing that David Cameron is about to go further than any prime minister before with a radical "carbon budget".
As late as Saturday, environmentalists were warning he would renege on the promise he made at the start of the coalition that it would be "the greenest government ever".
But now it seems he is about to deliver. - rwad this article in full - visit skynews

360investgroup carbon market trading for the latest carbon credit market trading onspot prices visit out website

Wednesday, May 4, 2011